If you have had an unexpected power cut, reboot or network drop. Sometimes a table can become 'locked' if it was being used at the time.
The first things to try is to make sure you are logged in as the same clerk that was using the table originally and open the table on the same till that was being used. If this does not work then we can force the table to unlock by doing the following:
Exit back to your home screen and choose 'Manager' or 'Manager xMode'. On this screen sign on using the button at the top and then press the 'Inline Functions' button. A menu will pop up with some new option, choose the 'Table Busy Reset' option and then enter the table number you wish to unlock.
If your table is still reporting as busy then repeat the above instructions only this time choose the 'Check Busy Reset' option.
This is work in 99% of situations. If this still does not work then you can also run the 'Open Table Report' in Reports Mode (Z Mode). Please note though that this will erase all sales on every table, so do not run this report if you are currently trading as you will lose all of your table bills.
Some early versions of the Paymentsense / Dojo integration software have also been known to sometimes cause tables to become locked. If you feel this is the cause then contact abiTECH and we can arrange to upgrade your integration software to the latest version.